
Autoptic Festival Exclusive – Combat Paper NJ


Be sure to stop by my table at the upcoming Autoptic Festival (August 8-9, 2015) as I’ll be showcasing the work of Combat Paper NJ. Combat Paper is a program of the Printmaking Center of New Jersey, run by veterans for veterans.

Dave Keefe, the director of Combat Paper (and more importantly my nephew), is a former Marine who served in Iraq and holds a master’s in fine arts in painting from Montclair State.

The paper for each print is made from military uniforms that have been shredded, pulped and pressed. Veterans are invited to bring their uniforms to Combat Paper’s weekly open workshop and, through the steps of traditional papermaking, transform them into platforms for their works of art. A process both transformative and cathartic that aids in helping veterans move ahead with their lives.

Couldn’t be prouder of the work Dave has done, so be sure to stop by my table (#57) to check it out!


Q-Con XXII – Queen’s University Belfast

Queens University - Belfast, Ireland
Queen’s University Belfast

I recently had the opportunity to attend Q-Con XXII in Belfast, Ireland. It was held June 19-21 and is one of Ireland’s biggest gaming and anime conventions.

Queen's University Belfast - Student Union
Q-Con XXII – Queen’s University Belfast, Student Union

A special thanks to Aíne (red shirt) and Alianne (blue shirt) at registration who got me all set up when I got there.


On a side note, the neck lanyards they gave you on arrival were amazing. They contained all the information you needed and more – incredibly handy.

2015 Q-Con XXII neck lanyard/badge holder.
2015 Q-Con XXII neck lanyard/badge holder.

Of particular interest to me was Q-Con’s Artist Alley.






The following are just a few of the items I picked up.

Note: Click on the pics to go to the artists’ websites.




Coffee sold by <a href=
Coffee sold by Cracked Black inc. Close up of illustrations below.


The following artist had prints for sale but also these amazing acrylic paintings he had done on hand.


As mentioned, I went to Q-Con primarily for their Artist Alley, but there was plenty of great cosplay on hand as well.


For more pics from the weekend, check out Q-Con on Facebook or Twitter.

As this was my very first time overseas, here’s hoping I can make it to more comic cons abroad in the near future…


C2E2 2015

A few of the sights this year at C2E2 in Chicago.

Line queuing up to enter Friday.
Line queuing up to enter Friday.

Artist Alley
Artist Alley

Me looking all serious at my table in Artist Alley.
Me looking all serious at my table in Artist Alley.

Didn’t get much time to leave my table, but touched base with a couple people….

Tom and Anna Richmond
Tom Richmond and his wife, Anna.

Brent Schoonover
Brent Schoonover

Andrew Pepoy
Andrew Pepoy

Luke Daab
Luke Daab

Wanted to touch base with Brendan Fletcher,
but I hit him at a time when his table was crazy busy.

Brendan Fletcher
Brendan Fletcher

He was kind enough to give Sally Forth a shout out on Twitter
when we featured Hillary dressed up as his version of Batgirl.

Ashleigh Popplewell took time out her hectic schedule to visit my booth.

Ashleigh Popplewell
Ashleigh Popplewell

We had tables next to each other back in 2012, where she gave gave some great pointers – like using the iPad for quick and easy reference.

Ashleigh back in 2012.
Ashleigh back in 2012.

And this year I got to sit next to one of my favorite artists, Lee Weeks!


For more art, check out the following: Lee Weeks
Fantastic to just shoot the sh*t during free moments here and there – great guy!

An added bonus this year was being able to meet up with fellow Kubert School alum Jessica Lynn.

Jessica Lynn
Jessica Lynn

She’s currently promoting her new Kickstarter project Fangirl.
Written by Tom Stillwell – color art by Zac Atkinson.

Zac Atkinson and Jessica Lynn.
Zac Atkinson and Jessica Lynn.

My preview copy  of Fangirl - signed by the artist!
My preview copy of Fangirl – signed by the artist!


One of my favorite things to do at comic cons is see original art – here are just a couple from dealer Albert Moy.



Could fill several blogs with the cosplay there. Here was a personal favorite…

Twins from the Shining.
Twins from the Shining.

Their was a fun list of celebrities there, but as mentioned
I didn’t have a lot of time on my hands for circulating.

Time permitting I would have stopped by to see Agent Carter’s Hayley Atwell.
I’m sure with how busy her schedule was she feels the same regret about not being able to stop by to see me.

Hayley Atwell as Agent Carter
Hayley Atwell as Agent Carter

Last but not least, the great thing about C2E2 is finding out about new artists.
Here’s Batman artist, Joaquin Orta. He was kind enough to stop by my table where we traded tips of the trade.

Joaquin Orta
Joaquin Orta


All for now – deadlines looming.

A special  thanks to everyone who took the time to stop by my table.
Here’s looking forward to C2E2 2016!


C2E2 2014 – Wrapping Up

Some final pics from the con…

Agent Carter

Green Goblin


Kick Ass

Spirited Away

Iron Men

Amy Pond

Marie Isabella

That's it for C2E2 2014 - Thanks Chicago!
That’s it for C2E2 2014 – Thanks Chicago!

Uh oh...
Uh oh…


C2E2 Sunday April 27, 2014

The person sharing our table had to head back to Texas so Tessa and I have a full table for Sunday. It’s like we’re staying at the Waldorf with all the extra room we have!

And without further ado, more pics from the con…



Jedi Master

Line for Tyler Posey
Line for Tyler Posey

Instant Nostalgia

Digital imaging to create mini-sculptures.
Digital imaging to create mini-sculptures.

Bill Reinhold
Bill Reinhold

Adam Hughes
Adam Hughes

Mark Stegbauer
Mark Stegbauer

Mitch Gerads
Mitch Gerads

Tim Vigil
Tim Vigil

Tom Richmond
Tom Richmond

Dan Jurgens
Dan Jurgens

Mark Bagley
Mark Bagley

That’s it for now – back to the con…