Sally Forth

Sally Forth – Rollercoaster

As some of you may have noticed, The title panels of this week’s worth of dailies had a little side story going on all of it’s own.

Here it is in its entirety.

Ramblings & Reviews Sally Forth

Panels & Pizza Ep. 120 – Jim Keefe

Check out the Jim Keefe interview that’s generating all the controversy at
Fancy Pants Gangsters can also be found on iTunes.

And a special thanks to Adam Vermillion and Giordano’s Pizza in Edina for a fun evening of talking comics and pizza!

Sally Forth

Sally Forth – Hometown Reference

When a scene in Sally Forth calls for a specific locale (grocery store, movie theater, etcetera) I’ll often use spots around my hometown of Minneapolis for reference. Take the following…

Excerpt from Francesco Marciuliano’s script for 9/22/2016.

Scene: Exterior. Sidewalk. Right Outside Comic Book Store. Hilary and Faye exit the comic book store. Each has a bag showing a comic book purchase.


For the comic book shop I chose Comic Book College.


It holds a little nostalgia for me as it used to be called Comic City back in the day (and was located one store down from where it is now). For those interested in the history, check out the College of Comic Book Knowledge.

The two guys approaching the comic book store in the first panel are fellow Joe Kubert School classmates Brian Bilter and Mark McMurray.


They’ve snuck into the strip before – it usually happens when I’m not paying close enough attention.


Mark even went so far as to crash a Flash Gordon strip I did back in the day (when he had longer hair).

Flash Gordon top tier - November 24, 1996
Flash Gordon top tier – November 24, 1996

More on that at


Unabashed plug time!

If Sally Forth isn’t in your local paper you can check it out online at, or get a subscription at…


A yearlong subscription to all of King Features’ comics (new and vintage) plus ten years worth of archives for every single strip is a pittance at $19.99 a year. Unsure? Try a 7 day trial subscription for free.

Francesco Marciuliano Ramblings & Reviews Sally Forth

MST3K Returns!

Looks like the “Bring Back MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000” KickStarter campaign successfully raised $5,764,229 – add on an additional 600,000 from the add-ons store and it went over 6,300,000!


That means 14 new episodes!

As a card carrying member of MS3TK from way back (and a KickStarter supporter) I couldn’t be happier!


To celebrate I’m sharing a Sally Forth page in homage to MS3TK from December 2, 2012. Written by Francesco Marciuliano, pencilled by Craig MacIntosh and inked and colored by myself (Jim Keefe) – Hope you enjoy!

Click on image to enlarge.


Francesco Marciuliano Sally Forth

Using Reference – Sally Forth 11/10/15


Script description from writer Francesco Marciuliano for first panel:

Scene: Exterior, Plane in flight in very early morning.
Sally and Ted’s dialogue come from the midpoint in the plane’s cabin in that order.
Sally: You’re doing it again, Ted.
Ted: Doing what?

After some searching on the internet, I came up with the following for “airplane” and “sunrise.”


The finished drawing.


A couple of tips for finding and using reference:

Never use the first image that pops up in your search just for expediency’s sake. Take the time to find the image that best works for your layout. The layout should dictate the reference you use.

I will sometimes place the image right on the layout (in Photoshop), but I never trace the image verbatim. Doing so makes for a stiff drawing. You should use your reference as a jumping off point for your drawing – translate it and make a drawing that best suits the storytelling.

Unabashed plug time!

If Sally Forth isn’t in your local paper you can check it out online at…


A yearlong subscription to all of King Features’ comics (new and vintage) plus two years worth of archives for every single strip is a pittance at $19.99 a year. Unsure? Try a 7 day trial subscription for free.