Craig MacIntosh Sally Forth

Craig MacIntosh – Guest Penciller

Notice anything different regarding the Sally Forth strips for June 13-18, 2015? They were pencilled by none other than former Sally Forth artist, Craig MacIntosh.

Craig was generous enough to help me out on a tight deadline and I couldn’t have been happier with the results. Here’s copies of MacIntosh’s pencils followed by my inks.

Note: Click on art to see larger.


And if you’re a fan of techno-thrillers, check out some of the books Craig MacIntosh has out at – highly recommended!

Craig MacIntosh at one of his book signings.
Craig MacIntosh at one of his book signings.
Sally Forth

Drop Panel – From Pencils to Inks

Comic Strips are formatted different ways for different size requirements. The “drop panel” is a panel or tier of the strip that can be omitted because of size restrictions without affecting the gag or storyline.

May 24, 2015 Sally Forth with drop panel.
May 24, 2015 Sally Forth with drop panel.

May 24, 2015 Sally Forth without drop panel.
May 24, 2015 Sally Forth without drop panel.

And here’s the steps involved in creating the drop panel, from pencils to finished inks.


Sally Forth

Sally Forth – Simpsons reference

Francesco Marciuliano script notes for the May 2, 2015 Sally Forth strip.

“Ted tents his fingers like Mr. Burns as he looks at it with a very maniacal, evil grin, also almost Burns-ian or Grinch-like.”



Greg Howard Sally Forth

Minikahda Club – The RETURN…


Back in 1981 Mickey Rooney did a made-for-TV movie (that’s what they called them back then) called “Bill”. The movie was a docudrama of Bill Sackter’s life story, a mentally challenged man (Mickey Rooney), who was befriended by young filmmaker Barry Morrow (played by Dennis Quaid).

Dennis Quaid and Mickey Rooney
Dennis Quaid and Mickey Rooney

Barry met Bill at a staff Christmas Party at the Minikahda Club in Minneapolis where Bill had been employed as a dishwasher.

Cut to the Minikahda Club the summer of 1982 where a high school age Jim Keefe is bussing tables, wanting to become a cartoonist but with no clear path.

The buzz Keefe overhears from members of the Club is about Mickey Rooney and the film crew that has just wrapped filming there, but also about a local lawyer who had quit the profession to become – of all the crazy things – a cartoonist.

The lawyer/cartoonist’s name was Greg Howard. The strip, Sally Forth. 

Greg Howard - circa 1982
Greg Howard – circa 1982

Pic by Alan Light from the 1982 Minneapolis Comic Con.

Strips from the inaugural first week of Sally Forth.
Strips from the inaugural first week of Sally Forth.

With the cartoon landscape of the 1980s showing housewives mostly in the mold of Blondie and Hi and Lois, Sally Forth would become part of a new generation of comic strips (along with Lynn Johnston’s For Better or For Worse and Cathy Guisewite’s, Cathy) that showed woman taking center stage in a more modern setting. Because of this – and the fact that they were original and funny – success in newspaper syndication followed.

The camera fades to present day as we open on the Minikahda club
on a cold winter’s morning.


Today’s Rotary Club speaker is the current cartoonist of Sally Forth, who skipped the law school route, and instead attended the Joe Kubert School.

The camera pans to reveal none other than… Jim Keefe!
Yes, that selfsame busboy only years later!

I had a great time speaking and would like to thank Christine Daves of for the invite.


And also thanks to the Minneapolis Uptown Rotary and the work they do for the community, part of which was a donation in my name to the Jefferson Community School.

Epilogue: I mentioned to one of the wait staff at the Minikahda Club before leaving that thirty-five years ago I had been a busboy there. Her answer, “Thirty-five years ago I hadn’t been born yet.”

Here's mud in your eye!
Here’s mud in your eye!
Francesco Marciuliano Sally Forth

Sally Forth – Batgirl

Halloween week continues with Hillary dressed as the new Batgirl.



And here’s the reference Francesco pointed me to – with the look from Batgirl #35.
Followed by an animated gif someone made of the cover.


And after all is said and done, it was nice to get a thumbs up from Batgirl’s writer Brenden Fletcher.

From Brenden Fletcher's Twitter page.
From Brenden Fletcher’s Twitter page.

All for now – Halloween week continues in Sally Forth week tomorrow.
Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!