
Q-Con XXII – Queen’s University Belfast

Queens University - Belfast, Ireland
Queen’s University Belfast

I recently had the opportunity to attend Q-Con XXII in Belfast, Ireland. It was held June 19-21 and is one of Ireland’s biggest gaming and anime conventions.

Queen's University Belfast - Student Union
Q-Con XXII – Queen’s University Belfast, Student Union

A special thanks to Aíne (red shirt) and Alianne (blue shirt) at registration who got me all set up when I got there.


On a side note, the neck lanyards they gave you on arrival were amazing. They contained all the information you needed and more – incredibly handy.

2015 Q-Con XXII neck lanyard/badge holder.
2015 Q-Con XXII neck lanyard/badge holder.

Of particular interest to me was Q-Con’s Artist Alley.






The following are just a few of the items I picked up.

Note: Click on the pics to go to the artists’ websites.




Coffee sold by <a href=
Coffee sold by Cracked Black inc. Close up of illustrations below.


The following artist had prints for sale but also these amazing acrylic paintings he had done on hand.


As mentioned, I went to Q-Con primarily for their Artist Alley, but there was plenty of great cosplay on hand as well.


For more pics from the weekend, check out Q-Con on Facebook or Twitter.

As this was my very first time overseas, here’s hoping I can make it to more comic cons abroad in the near future…

Sally Forth

Drop Panel – From Pencils to Inks

Comic Strips are formatted different ways for different size requirements. The “drop panel” is a panel or tier of the strip that can be omitted because of size restrictions without affecting the gag or storyline.

May 24, 2015 Sally Forth with drop panel.
May 24, 2015 Sally Forth with drop panel.
May 24, 2015 Sally Forth without drop panel.
May 24, 2015 Sally Forth without drop panel.

And here’s the steps involved in creating the drop panel, from pencils to finished inks.


Ramblings & Reviews

David Letterman

Late Night with David Letterman - 1982
Late Night with David Letterman – 1982

Late Night with David Letterman premiered in 1982 and was a staple of my tv viewing during my formative years (ages 17 on up).

Late Night with David Letterman - 1982
Bill Murray and David Letterman – 1982
Madonna and Sandra Bernhard on Late Night with David Letterman - 1988
Madonna and Sandra Bernhard on Late Night with David Letterman – 1988

When I first moved out to New Jersey to go to the Kubert School, one of the first priorities was to get on the waiting list for tickets to a taping of Letterman.

Letterman caricature done my first year at the Joe Kubert School (January 1987).
Letterman caricature done my first year of the Joe Kubert School – January 1987

When I eventually did get tickets, it was a show featuring Jerry Garcia & Bobby Weir from the Grateful Dead. Going to 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City to see the taping was one of those memories that stay with you. The lobby at 30 Rock was filled with Dead Heads offering hundreds of dollars for anyone wishing to sell their tickets. (The tickets were free). Having waited so long to get the tickets, selling them never crossed my mind.

When Letterman eventually moved to CBS and the Ed Sullivan Theater I mailed in a request to be put on the waiting list again. The Late Show with David Letterman debuted August 30, 1993, and I was able to get tickets within the first few weeks of it’s premiere.

Top image: Postcard saying you were on the waiting list. Bottom image: Ticket to the Late Show.
Top image: Postcard saying you were on the waiting list.
Bottom image: Ticket to the Late Show.

Having been passed over to host the Tonight Show in favor of Jay Leno, Letterman’s move to CBS with his own show was monumental and every show those first few weeks Letterman got a standing ovation. The show I attended was no exception. Coincidentally Jerry Garcia from the Grateful Dead was on the show that night as well, playing with Paul Shaffer and “The World’s Most Dangerous Band.”

Initially Letterman’s Late Show beat out the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in the ratings, but eventually the ratings slipped and Letterman was behind Leno and Ted Koppel’s Nightline in the ratings. Right in view of the Ed Sullivan theater a billboard went up in Times Square proclaiming Leno as number one.

Letterman followed up brilliantly with the following…


One of the things that made Letterman so great was that he had on guests no one else knew how to handle (Howard Stern, Andy Kaufman and Richard Simmons come to mind), and though sometimes there was a danger of the segment jumping the rails, Letterman always kept it on track and made it memorable.

And then of course there were guests that no one else would have had on.
Like underground comics creator Harvey Pekar

I haven’t watched The Late Show regularly in years, and watching it recently as the show wraps it’s very clear that I’ve been missing out. It’s such a pleasure to see the enjoyment Letterman’s having these final few weeks.

Letterman was the gold standard as far as talk show hosts go in my book.

Norm MacDonald (at the end of this stand-up clip) has summed it up better than anyone else, so I’ve leaving with the following…

For more Letterman clips, check out…

Variety – Top Ten Moments from the ‘Late Show With David Letterman

Rolling Stone: Letterman, Seriously: Dave’s 10 Most Profound Moments

CNN – Top 10 reasons David Letterman is a comedy god

Sally Forth

Sally Forth – Simpsons reference

Francesco Marciuliano script notes for the May 2, 2015 Sally Forth strip.

“Ted tents his fingers like Mr. Burns as he looks at it with a very maniacal, evil grin, also almost Burns-ian or Grinch-like.”




C2E2 2015

A few of the sights this year at C2E2 in Chicago.

Line queuing up to enter Friday.

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e queuing up to enter Friday.

Artist Alley
Artist Alley

Me looking all serious at my table in Artist Alley.
Me looking all serious at my table in Artist Alley.

Didn’t get much time to leave my table, but touched base with a couple people….

Tom and Anna Richmond
Tom Richmond and his wife, Anna.

Brent Schoonover
Brent Schoonover

Andrew Pepoy
Andrew Pepoy

Luke Daab
Luke Daab

Wanted to touch base with Brendan Fletcher,
but I hit him at a time when his table was crazy busy.

Brendan Fletcher
Brendan Fletcher

He was kind enough to give Sally Forth a shout out on Twitter
when we featured Hillary dressed up as his version of Batgirl.

Ashleigh Popplewell took time out her hectic schedule to visit my booth.

Ashleigh Popplewell
Ashleigh Popplewell

We had tables next to each other back in 2012, where she gave gave some great pointers – like using the iPad for quick and easy reference.

Ashleigh back in 2012.
Ashleigh back in 2012.

And this year I got to sit next to one of my favorite artists, Lee Weeks!


For more art, check out the following: Lee Weeks
Fantastic to just shoot the sh*t during free moments here and there – great guy!

An added bonus this year was being able to meet up with fellow Kubert School alum Jessica Lynn.

Jessica Lynn
Jessica Lynn

She’s currently promoting her new Kickstarter project Fangirl.
Written by Tom Stillwell – color art by Zac Atkinson.

Zac Atkinson and Jessica Lynn.
Zac Atkinson and Jessica Lynn.

My preview copy  of Fangirl - signed by the artist!
My preview copy of Fangirl – signed by the artist!


One of my favorite things to do at comic cons is see original art – here are just a couple from dealer Albert Moy.



Could fill several blogs with the cosplay there. Here was a personal favorite…

Twins from the Shining.
Twins from the Shining.[/capti

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Their was a fun list of celebrities there, but as mentioned
I didn’t have a lot of time on my hands for circulating.

Time permitting I would have stopped by to see Agent Carter’s Hayley Atwell.
I’m sure with how busy her schedule was she feels the same regret about not being able to stop by to see me.

[caption id="attachment_7117" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Hayley Atwell as Agent Carter Hayley Atwell as Agent Carter

Last but not least, the great thing about C2E2 is finding out about new artists.
Here’s Batman artist, Joaquin Orta. He was kind enough

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to stop by my table where we traded tips of the trade.

Joaquin Orta
Joaquin Orta


All for now – deadlines looming.

A special  thanks to everyone who took the time to stop by my table.
Here’s looking forward to C2E2 2016!